An Evening in Piemonte

An Evening in Piemonte

Delilah Fine Foods hosted a spectacular tasting event celebrating the food and wine of Piemonte, Italy.  The intimate evening welcomed 45 guests w...

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Vacherin is here!

Vacherin is here!

Its that time of the year again! The cheeses of Vacherin Mont d'or have finally arrived in the UK. This is a special cheese made only from late Sep...

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Cheese glorious cheese…

Cheese glorious cheese…

We at Delilah love food; we have a passion for and enjoy everything food based. Being a traditional delicatessen based in the centre of 2 very vibrant cities we try to bring that enthusiasm into our stores from the customers that frequent to the ranges we stock, this is epitomised in the ever changing range stocked in our cheese fridges.

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